  • Sketch Club Exhibition 2021 2
  • Sketch Club Exhibition 2021 1
  • Sketch Club Exhibition 2021 4

Sketch Club Youth Art Show

This year, we have invited youth in our Sketch Club program to share their favorite art works they’ve created this year. The pandemic has brought us to virtual programming, and we wanted to share and celebrate what has emerged for and from the youth during this time. Students from 3rd- 5th grade shared and submitted their favorite works of art for this online exhibition, which presents a variety of the students’ thoughts, personalities and emotions.

Sketch Club programming is made possible through the care and generosity of our compassionate community. Thank you to our current funders including Tacoma Creates and the Greater Tacoma Community Foundation.

Alaina McDonald

Alaina McDonald, Whitman Elementary. Untitled, 2021.
Alaina McDonald, Whitman Elementary. Untitled, 2021.

Angelina Cuevas

“I was thinking about fire, stars, the night and when me and my cousins were outside looking at the fireworks.”

Angelina Cuevas, Edison Elementary. “Fourth of July,” 2021. Color pencils on paper.

Asher O. 

“I call this art piece ruination and I drew this on 5/26/21 I am Asher O I am in the 5th Grade I go to Edison Elementary My art work was made by pencil I drew this art so that people are more grateful for their families.”

Asher O, Edison Elementary. “Ruination,” May 26, 2021. Pencil on paper.

Brianna Renken

“I made this because I was kinda bored and had my pencil so I drew this.”

Brianna Renken. “Pink Kitty,” May 14, 2021. Pencil on paper.

Chanthree Nop

Chanthree Nop, Fawcett Elementary. “Blue Boy,” 2021. Painting on paper.

Charlotte Penor

“It was made on a plane from California. I was bored and wanted to draw.”

Charlotte Penor, Larchmont Elementary. “The Beauty Eye,” 2021. Pencil and colored pencil on paper.

Danielle Larson

“[This is] dedicated to my mom and dad.”

Danielle Larson, Birney Elementary. “School Girl,” 2021. Pencil and colored pencils on paper.


“When I was making this work, I was thinking about how everyone in the world has mixed emotions so I drew colorful dots.”

Destiny. Untitled, 2021.

Emma Nearhood

Emma Nearhood, Whitman Elementary. “Bubble Gum Heart,” May 26, 2021. Sumi – e ink on paper.

Europe Carter

Europe Carter, Fawcett Elementary. “Space Sun and Tsunami,” 2021. Paint on paper.

Evie Mckinney

Evie Mckinney. Untitled, 2021.

Boladji Gareth Dayane Dansou

Sketch Club Exhibition 2021 4
Boladji Gareth Dayane Dansou, Larchmont Elementary. “Lamborghini,” January 8, 2021.

Gideon Bosh

“I made this artwork for a science lesson at school. It was the end of a long school day and I just wanted to get done with the day. I had no idea how good it was going to turn out.”

Gideon Bosh, DeLong Elementary. “Snowman,” December 2020. Colored pencil on paper.

Giselle V.

Giselle V. Untitled, 2021.

Hayven Knight

“This is a painting I painted of cheese.”

Hayven Knight. “Happy Day,” May 26, 2021. Sharpie.

Hugo M.

Hugo M. Untitled, 2021

Isabella Felagai

Isabella Felagai, Sheridan Elementary. Untitled, 2021.


Jacqueline, Larchmont Elementary. “Cherry Blossom,” 2021.

Jahnti Woolridge

“I like video games. What I want you think about looking at my painting is calming abstract art of nature.”

Sketch Club Exhibition 2021 2
Jahnti Woolridge, Sheridan Elementary. “Trees and Nature,” 2021. Watercolor on paper.

James Coney

James Coney. Untitled, 2021.

Joe Gomez

Joe Gomez, Edison Elementary. “Just,” 2021.


Joleen, Larchmont Elementary. “Autumn,” 2021.

Kelly Coen

Kelly Coen. “Best Friends,” May 2021.

Khloe Stark

“My art is made from black Watercolor, it has lots of swirls I made into a tree. I made a moon and a swing on the tree to make it look like it was night.  With lots of stars, it kind of reminds me of Caroline or from the Nightmare Before Christmas.”

Khloe Stark, Whitman Elementary. “Dead Swirl Tree,” May 2021. Watercolor on paper.

Lesley Cruz Lopez

“I love forests so that the setting and I have a stuff animal that is a bear and I was hungry.”

Lesley Cruz Lopez. “A Lonely Bear,” May 12, 2021.


Sketch Club Exhibition 2021 1
Lorraine. Untitled, 2021.

Maya Hernandez

“This was made with watercolor. I felt lost but I was feeling that something would find me.”

Maya Hernandez, Boze Elementary. “The Scarf That is a Dragon,” May 19, 2021. Watercolor on paper.

Miss Lexi

“I was thinking of a greenish tree forest because when I’m in hiphop I go outside and my back yard is just like a forest an that is my art statement.”

Miss Lexi, Reed Elementary. “The Forest,” 2021. Pastels on paper.

Noah Moun

Sketch Club Exhibition 2021
Noah Moun, Boze Elementary. “Cold Night,” 2021. Pixel art.

Ric’kya Bell

Ric’kya Bell, Larchmont Elementary. “Nicesa My Bay,” 2021. Mixed paint on paper.

Sadie Sade

“I made it because I like to draw.”

Sadie Sade. “The Beautiful Trees,” May 2021.

Sandra Lopez

Sandra Lopez. Untitled, 2021.

Vannak Traluch

“Likes to play Video games, Very lazy, Smart at math but would rather trade that for a million dollars any day cause it makes Elementary school a boring piece of trash. Has a YouTube channel called Vannak Traluch, that holds family vlogs.”

Vannak Traluch, Manitou Park Elementary. “Gaming Setup,” April 2021. Pencil and crayon on paper.